Friday, 19 February 2016

Gail Lawther Clarice Cliff Workshop - Stained Glass Techniques

I have long been obsessed with stained glass and have been planning a Tiffany Glass inspired Costume for at least 5 years... so when this workshop was mentioned by my sister I was obviously quite interested.

My sister Julie has been involved with Project Linus via a group in Lutterworth set up 5 years ago by a former bellydance Student of mine Lynda Hill. Since then Julie has become a quilting addict ! As I am usually teaching of a Wednesday evening I have never been able to make it along to one of the Piecemakers meetings but as fortune would have it Gail's talk fell in half term and I was able to make the meeting as well as the workshop the next day. I'm so glad I did! Gail is a very engaging speaker; funny, informative and very warm.
Lutterworth Peicemakers
Long Suffering Sister Julie working out which fabrics to use where on the design. 

This is only the 2nd sewing workshop I've been able to attend. I am a dance teacher so am used to attending classes and workshops but sewing is something that my sister and I taught ourselves as kids, and have always just got on with.  Going to class to learn more techniques can be really scary as you almost feel like you should be able to teach yourself, why are you asking for help? If you just applied yourself you could learn it. But the world doesn't work that way as there are work and time pressures everywhere - sitting down to sew for fun! Ha we have bills to pay. But if you can let go of your control worries and give yourself a whole day to go to a class, away from the distractions of work and home life it is such a treat.
I LOVED this workshop, it was pure colour therapy - I spent the whole day thanking my sister and exclaiming "this is so much fun!" I had been quite terrified of the whole thing and left all the planning up to poor Julie, she sourced all the fabrics and materials needed and I just went along and hoped I wouldn't feel too much at sea. The other ladies were all very lovely and helpful and Lynda let me raid her fabric box and use some of her lovely batiks in my picture, I thought I had died and gone to heaven!

Reverse Applique completed

Gail is a really great teacher too, throughout the whole workshop she was available to all, at no point did I see her sit down and relax. She was always wandering around looking over your shoulder and just carefully checking that everyone was alright. There is always that moment of shame you feel as a student when a teacher does this and you can feel like you want to curl up and die, but Gail was straight in with a non-nonsense tip, word of advice or encouragement - preventing you from making a mistake without making a big deal of it and congratulating you when you had made progress. This is the kind of teaching that everyone needs and is unfortunately so often lacking, if you want to learn to sew or teach take one of Gail's workshops and learn from a master.

I needed this workshop for so many reasons.
I have had a truly awful few years, although I have been strong and just got on with it I did have a pretty bad wobble and was worried I was heading for another mental breakdown. I'm not saying that this workshop has averted it as it is soon too to tell but it has certainly made me feel a lot better since and all you can ever deal with is the current moment.
We did reverse applique in the first workshop I went to with Julie too, you need to do a technique a couple of times to feel like you have got the hang of it and I now feel that I will use this technique.
Gail's tip on using the scissors flat on to the fabric is one of those tips that can revolutionise the way you do things!
Inspiration is something that is so hard to obtain sometimes, but I do feel like I will finish this project and use these techniques in my own projects.
Gail Lawther
Use Scissors flat on to fabric to get as close a cut
a possible without cutting holes in your fabric. 

So next week I am doing another workshop, this one is on Machine Embroidered flowers with Gillan Travis and is alas without the protection of my lovely sister Julie, but she is looking at the workshop requirements for it as I type and making sure I have the right kit. Love you Sis. Will let you know how I get on...

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Hand Made By Fulya Custom Order

Custom Zombie Belt Order from Louise Dobson. Photographed at Gothla 2015.

Free Machine Tests...

I am obsessed with Art Nouveau. This is one of my first free Machine embroidery tests. A Tiffany Glass Iris  Sewn on gold Organza, some satin applique work too. 

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Workshops Now Booking Early Bird Save £5 on day tickets (Inc show) when booked before 14th Feb.

Looking forward to showgirl school, I'm teaching bra decorating. I'll add a post just on bra's soon, scroll down to previous posts for some pics of what I have done...

Friday, 2 January 2015

Loose control....

I've finally done it, I dropped my feed dog I and let loose and it is FUN.
I've only wanted to try Freestyle Machine Embroidery for at least 7 years, but never found any time to kick back and give it a whirl as I had so much else to do. This was my Christmas promise to myself and so far the results are experimental, and of course quite hit and miss but I am learning faster than I thought.
I will post pics soon. 

 Hip Belts Handmade By Fulya


I have been making these hip belts for a few years now and selling them on our travelling Souk Each belt is a one of art peice and I have never made two the same. This is the kind of work I love to do. They work well on bellydancers, as a hip belt is an essential  part of our costume, but they look great worn over jeans or with a goth / steampunk look (particularly the "Bustle Bum" Belts). I will be selling them on etsy soon; In the mean time here are a few I have made for myself .

Gorgeous Green

Both Flames and Gorgeous Green are "Bustle Bum Belts" - many layers of fabrics were cut into strips, edged with a rolled hem on my overlocker and gathered to make the ruffles. It works best if the fabrics are different textures. 
"Flames" is decorated with 3 layers of velvet in red, orange and yellow appliqued by machine, to make the Hot Rod style flames. I also added Hotfix crystals for extra sparkle. 
"Gorgeous Green" was decorated with a pre-brought drop beaded trim sewn on to ribbon, I used it around the bottom edge and used it to make swags over each thigh. I re-used a ready made beaded belt for the top beaded trim. The belt bases were both made out of Velvet. 

Dia De Los Muertos 

This belt was made for a Dia De los Muertos themed dance and costume. I used printed cotton fabric to cut the pictures from and appliqued them onto the belt base by machine. I then added ruffles to border the best and sewed the large crystals on, and used smaller Hotfix crystals for more sparkle. The Roses are made from lengths of fabric that are rolled and folded into the rose shape.  

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Mata Hari

Mata Hari

A lot of us Bellydancers are Inspired by the myth, the legend and the story of Mata Hari the infamous spy and exotic dancer that took her inspiration from Indonesian dancing girls. Here are a few of my own creations inspired by her look. 

This Bra was my first creation for the Vintage style, made out of many second hand pearl necklaces brought at jumble sales and carboot sales. All of the necklaces were cut up and the beads sewn on individually. When Katie Holland Saw this bra for the first time she said that is had always been her dream bra so a few years later...

A few hundred more necklaces later....

Just before this one for Katie I had done a more Pinky and Silver Pearl One for my "This Must Be Underwater Love" dance. Jimi Hendrix May this be Love with fan Veils which then lead into Underwater Love By Smoke City. The Swirl doesn't go all the way around the cups, I added a boarder to the top with lines of pearls (click to enlarge the photo to see).

Mata Hari Tribute Dance

Mata Danced a version of the dance of the 7 veils - a babylonian Myth of the Goddess Ishtar going down to the Underworld to reclaim her lover at every seventh set of gates she was required to remove a veil. This is the dance I put together to pay tribute to Mata (Don't worry there is no nudity). 
I made the velour hip belt and the crown for this dance. The skirt was a second hand Indian skirt (very similar to what Mata wore a lot) The bodice was also second hand. 

Above Photo Shoot for see more pics on my facebook